Sunday, February 12, 2012

install git on centos

#yum install git

(using rpmforge repository)

Creating and sharing a repository

Creating a repository is easy! Simply create a folder and type git init.
mkdir newrepo
cd newrepo
git init
Once created, we can copy/create our files (think svn import) and then do:
git add .
git commit

Share over apache http

Preparing the repository
# On the web server we assume var/git as the central repository place and will create a new project-X dir
$ cd /var/git
$ mkdir project-X
$ cd project-X

# now we initialize this directory
# but instead of using git init, we use  git --bare init
# "A short aside about what git means by bare: A default git repository assumes that you will be using it as your working directory
# , so git stores the actual bare repository files in a .git directory alongside all the project files. Remote repositories don't need copies of the
 files on the filesystem unlike working copies, all they need are the deltas and binary what-nots of the repository itself. This is what "bare" means to git. Just the repository itself."
$ git --bare init
Now that we created the project directory we need to give apache access to it:
  • Be sure to set the correct permissions on the /var/git directory so that it can be read by the webuser. chown -R apache:apache /var/git/project-X
  • If you have selinux enabled: chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/git/project-X
  • Enable the post-update hook: chmod +x /var/git/project-X/hooks/post-update

When you did not set the post commithook:
$ git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/mydir/project-X/.git/
fatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?
Then you can need to run it manually the first time
$ cd /var/git/project-X
$ sudo -u apache git update-server-info

Preparing apache
This document assumes you have a basic apache setup. And you have virtual name server working. Most of it is standard acces to the directory.
To allow write access, we need to have Webdav enabled. 

 DocumentRoot /var/git
    DAV On
    Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks 
  AllowOverride None
  Allow from all
  Order allow,deny

This will add a virtual server that has access to the /var/git directory using simple browsing.
In case you are experiencing trouble:
  • Remove the restrictions from welcome.conf: in this default file, it disables the index option. Error: ...
  • Note the + before the options, to allow the merge of permissions
Controlling access
We control access to your repository using apache groupfiles and password files

 DocumentRoot /var/git
  DAV On
  Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks Indexes
  # Deny everyything here
  Deny from all
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "git repository"
  AuthUserFile /var/git/htpasswd.git
  AuthGroupFile /var/git/htgroup.git

  Allow from all
  Order allow,deny
   Require group project-X-read
   Require group project-X-write

Accessing the repository
Git uses curl to access http repositories. Because our repository is now protected we need to create an entry in our $HOME/.netrc file
$ cat $HOME/.netrc
login reader
password reader
Now you should be able to clone project-X
$ git clone
Possible Errors
Trying update
error: Cannot access URL, return code 22
error: failed to push some refs to ''
If there's something wrong with the permissions. Maybe you don't have webdav enabled, the user is in the wrong group, or filepermissions are not set correctly. Check your apache error_log 

$ git clone
$ git push
fatal: git-push is not available for http/https repository when not compiled with USE_CURL_MULTIerror: failed to push some refs to ''
Either you compile your git client with the correct curl options. Or you can alternatively mount the remote repository as webdav share and access it via file:// references. See
The following happens if your curl library  was not compiled with the correct options to post to
After a bit of research it seems that CURL compilation into GIT was not entirely successful for the Git on Mac OS X. As I was already mounting the git repository via WebDAV you an push and pull to your locally mounted repository by replacing the http URL with the path to your mounted WebDAV (/Volumes//). This worked pretty well for me and works well with Dreamhost with very little configuration.

$ git push
Fetching remote heads...
   No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.

This happens when you cloned an empty repository: Because you cloned an empty repository , you need to specify the origin and master , after this first push, you can use git push as usual
$ git push origin master

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